Exciting news @ Medica 2023

We proudly present a very promising addition to our robotics portfolio: the ingenious couple Myra and Mic from Bio Molecular Systems (BMS).

A liquid handler and qPCR cycler which are best in class when it comes to reproducibility and ease of use. Compact and lightweight in appearance but a giant in its capabilities and fully compatible with our FlowX middleware solutions!

Our distributorship was sealed with a handshake this Monday at Medica 2023 with John Corbett and Albert Wijngaard from BMS.

Medica nov 2023 with JC and AW

The iCATCHER series – PART 2: the distributor

In this series we like to highlight the iCATCHER 12. We will tell you more about this magnificent system and speak to the developer and users of the iCATCHER. In this episode we at Labhelp will share our experience with the iCATCHER.

The iCATCHER series – PART 1: the developer

In this series we like to highlight the iCATCHER 12. We will tell you more about this magnificent system and speak to the developer and users of the iCATCHER. In this first episode we will talk to Alex Lee, General Manager of CatchGene, the company who developed the iCATCHER.

LabHelp middleware and robotics – looking back and ahead

Early 2023 is a good time to reflect on the previous year. What kind of new developments were implemented? Which projects were launched or finalised? Do we see trends in new developments, and what will be our focus for this year? In this article we have laid out the answers to those questions.

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LabHelp International B.V.

Lange Trekken 46



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LabHelp Robotics B.V.

Lange Trekken 46



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